You might have forgotten one thing, or if you mentioned it, I missed it.

Allies can be thrown under the bus if they become problematic.

The Trans folks threw the LGB folks under the bus when they spoke against the T's.

JK Rowling was a staunch ally to the rainbow brigade until she said something against Trans folks, and then they threw her under the bus.

Have you ever wondered why they take established characters and pervert them? It's because if they created a new character, nobody would read about that character. The rainbow brigade would have their heroes, and we'd have ours. They are out to destroy ours. That's Marxism for you.

So, screw being an ally. I'd rather be that friend that would pick your drunk ass up at 3 am, so you wouldn't have to drive home.

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I did kinda cover it, however, I didn't cite the specific examples you've listed. I'm glad you did though, because someone needs to read these along with the text I provided to get a clear understanding that there is a historical record of that type of behavior.

Honestly, I'd rather have friends telling me "You're fucking up." or "Goddamn dude, it's 3am and I'm picking your drunk ass up." than someone I'll call an "ally" to lecture, belittle and basically be a whipping post stand-in.

Seeing it happen more and more, I have to call it out. It's evil what's being done to these people but they have a decision to make and it won't be without pain. Question is, will there be some pain now or a massive ton of it later? Kicking the can down the road will increase that fear and make life unbearable so, my advice is, when nothing you do is good enough for this group, that group or whatever, spare yourself the stress and just do nothing for them. You don't have to "choose a side." Just do you. You'll find like-minded people who will become friends along the way. When they find you in trouble, they'll immediately stand by your side, not throw you to the jackals.

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