Jun 13Liked by Raven Wulfgar

Definitely seems like DM's players were being a bunch of shitheads here (especially the little passive-aggressive bitch who posted this for people to pile on him), but to be frank it seems like he's being a bit of a shithead himself. A lot of these rules in and of themselves do make sense, as you point out, but as far as that particular group's dynamics appear to be from the outside looking in, these folks kind of deserve each other and I wouldn't want to game with any of them. Just my two cents.

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I really think that, at some point, the DM let his patience go to a fault. I think he got sick of it and kept bottling it up. It doesn't seem like there was communication as much as there was an entitled group of players that kept making demands and, again, wanting to be a "Good DM" and not get slapped on some blacklist, he kept putting up with their petty bullshit. Problem, bottles only get but so full and then you're going to drop a couple of Mentos into the Diet Soda and cap it? That never ends well. This was the result of the pressure having to go somewhere. I think with the right group, the DM will do fine but he'll need to communicate up front what the expectations are to his players and detail why and ultimately leave the conversation ended on "This is the rule set. This is the setting. This is the campaign. Here's what won't fit into that setting. If you accept this, then we'll go ahead and roll characters. If not, this won't be the table for you." Simple. Gets the point across and effective. No arguments, just discuss but ultimately, DM's word is final. Really, the guy should probably just switch over to Castles & Crusades and much of what plagues him will be over and done.

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